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April 26, 2024

Try Calm and Relaxation

Feeling stressed? Try these techniques and calm your nerves.

Feelings of stress, anxiousness and anger are all normal emotions, and this is why tips and tools come in handy to calm yourself and bring you back into balance.

When you can’t control anything else, control your thoughts. At some point we all have told ourselves a story, a story that never happens because our mind takes over and goes from 0-100. I remember my daughter was traveling and I had not heard from her, so I called her many times with no response. The story goes they are not answering because they got into an accident and are unconscious in a ditch and the knock at the door will be the police requesting body identification. I remember this as if it were yesterday. Truth is she was sleeping; her phone was on vibrate and her friend could not reach the phone while she was driving. I did receive a call letting me know that they were on the road, safe and was a few hours away from home.

I had to tell myself to STOP with the story and to think positive thoughts and relax. When they called, I was able to have a sensible conversation without being stressed because of the calming techniques I used. Not only did I tell myself to STOP and think positive, I also used the Box breathing technique to calm my nerves and bring me back into the present moment. Breathing always makes me feel calmer.

Check back next week for another calming technique to add to your mental health toolbox.

May 3, 2024

# Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I am so glad that we have been working towards eradicating the stigma associated mental health. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is a fundamental component of health and well-being that is connected to our abilities to make decisions, build relationships, and affects how we think, feel and act. Mental health determines how we handle stress and can be influenced by individual, structural and cultural factors. Education is KEY and its time to extend support, educate and advocate for those struggling with their mental health.  You are not alone on this journey. 

Simple Coping Skills to protect your PEACE

  1. Establishing and maintaining boundaries: Knowing your limits and communicating them effectively can help reduce stress.
  2. Practicing relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness can calm your mind and body.
  3. Regular physical activity: Exercise releases endorphins and helps manage stress.

Check back next week for more tools to add to your mental health toolbox.